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Red Kite Learning Trust

Learning at Crawshaw Academy

SMSC in Design Technology and Art

Spiritual education in Design Technology and Art is encouraged through the experience and emotion of response to the creative process. Through a sensual approach to feeling, seeing and hearing, students respond creatively themselves. We aim to nurture feelings, enhance moods and enable students to reflect on the beauty and wonder of artistic expression in art, music and drama. 

Moral education in Design Technology and Art involves students expressing their own response to moral dilemmas and emotions. They can appreciate the work of practitioners in expressing unfairness, injustice and in celebrating the victory of good over evil. Encouraging critical discussion in response to challenging art, drama and music is an integral process in learning and development. 

Social education in Design Technology and Art provides an individual and collective experience that contributes to a student's social development. Through group collaboration, students develop social skills as they realise the necessity of pooling ideas, then selecting and developing them with a large degree of co- operation and mutual agreement. Similarly, a performer requires the ability to accept their appropriate place in the group, whether it is the solo or a supportive role. They should also be aware that they have a responsibility to the rest of the group and must not let them down. All Art and Design lessons provide the opportunity to explore and express ideas and feelings. Throughout this process, students develop their ability to identify, listen to, understand and respect the views and values of others in discussion. 

Cultural education in Design Technology and Art involves students developing an aesthetic appreciation of the arts drawn from a wide variety of traditions with a diversity of genres, forms and purposes. Students have an opportunity to explore aspects of their own culture and begin to recognise, and appreciate, differences in music, drama and art from different times and places. They can also begin to make connections between different cultures 

Examples of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education in Design Technology and Art include: 

  • Students speaking about difficult events, e.g. bullying, death etc.

  • Students participating in a variety of different educational visits e.g. art trips

  • Students listening and responding appropriately to the views of others

  • Students learning an awareness of treating all as equals, accepting people who are different because of physical and learning difficulties

  • Students discussing their beliefs, feelings, values and responses to personal experiences

Crawshaw Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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