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Red Kite Learning Trust

For Students

Working Together for Good Behaviour

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We want our school to be a place where there is positive behaviour, effective intervention and a safe, orderly environment - a place where all students can learn and thrive. Good behaviour and strong discipline go hand in hand with effective teaching and learning. Teachers cannot teach effectively and students cannot learn effectively in classes affected by disruptive behaviour. However, good behaviour is far more than an absence of disruptive behaviour. It is about active engagement in a lesson and taking responsibility for your own learning and progress. This is described in our Engagement in Learning. These can be seen in the adjacent poster.

We start from the view point that all students should be rewarded for showing us the desire and enthusiasm to aim higher through hard work and motivation, and all staff should find opportunities to do this. There is also a very clear set of consequences for unacceptable behaviour that interferes with good order within the academy.

Rewarding Positive Behaviours

An emphasis on rewarding positive learning behaviours is key to creating a culture of success. We will ensure that the majority of students, who consistently meet our expectations, feel valued and appreciated. A consistent approach to the use of praise and rewards is crucially important and has more impact on behaviour than the application of sanctions.

Each subject area has created their own system of rewards focussed on the use of the student planner. Which may include

  • Verbal praise  
  • Comments in planner 
  • Postcards/certificates 
  • Display of student’s work  
  • Comments on work and letters/emails/texts/phone calls home  
  • Announcements in assembly/mention in parent briefing/mention on the website  

Our whole school rewards centre around the Crawshaw Community Standards.  If a student has shown any of these standards in an exemplary way they may receive a postcard for that quality. The postcards are divided into two sets of four cards. C. R. A. W. and S.H.A.W. 

One set of 4 postcards is rewarded with a silver pin badge to be worn on the blazer lapel. A full set of 8 postcards is rewarded with a gold pin badge.

If a student has strengths in a particular quality and obtains 8 postcards for one attribute, they will be rewarded with a bronze pin badge.

All pin badges are accompanied by a certificate.


This is our main form of communication with parents and our centralised recording point for rewards and consequences. Both parents and students have personalised log in details.

Log in details will be provided to you. If you have any issues please contact us.

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Each year group will follow a Culture Programme which sets half termly targets for students to accomplish.

These are entitled

  • Year 7 - The Pursuit
  • Year 8 - Pathways
  • Year 9 - The Ascent
  • Year 10 - Aspire
  • Year 11 - Leavers Charter

As students achieve these milestones they will be rewarded via their Learning Culture Lead in Assemblies held each half term.

Click on an image to enlarge

Crawshaw Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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