Pupil Premium and Catch Up Premium
Crawshaw Pupil Premium Charter
At Crawshaw Academy, any disadvantaged student will be given a wealth of support and it is school policy that teaching staff, non-teaching staff and governors support students who are eligible for the Pupil Premium and utilise first quality teaching to support students and ensure that we are supporting students to close gaps that arise or are evident within subjects.
Barriers to Learning
A number of our disadvantaged students face significant barriers to their learning which are wide varied and complex. As such, there is no single solution to change this, requiring careful thought on a personalised basis. A high proportion of our disadvantaged pupils are from families in which there is built in social deprivation which can manifest itself in creating issues such as having low or sporadic attendance, social, emotional and behaviour difficulties and a lack of parental engagement in their school life. Equally, other students who are eligible for disadvantaged funding can be extremely able, but do not always have the self-confidence and belief to challenge themselves and strive for excellence, such as applying for a place at a high-quality university or a higher-level apprenticeship. Therefore, our strategy is designed to encompass the wide range of need of our students.
At Crawshaw we fully believe in the individual and supporting them to reach their potential. As such, the way in which the school spends the disadvantaged funding has to be constantly monitored to ensure it foremost meets the needs of its students.
Monitoring and Evaluation
We are constantly monitoring and evaluating, and this will continue to be an ongoing process with specific actions reviewed throughout the year. This has a central aim of continuing to spend our Pupil Premium allocation for the year 2024/25 on the interventions that have the most impact. The PP strategy is based on a 3-year plan, but we must actively evaluate this throughout and respond to the needs of students and new research that may impact students who are in receipt of Pupil Premium funding. This gives us the option to trial new innovations and explore how we can further assist our most disadvantaged students with a wide range of academic and pastoral strategies. Our monitoring practices include; the assessment and analysis of data, looking carefully at the quality of pupils’ work and in their books and listening to student voice to clearly identify what works well for them.
Pupil Premium 3 Year Strategy Statement 2023-2026(pdf)
Created February 2024Permalink
Pupil Premium 3 Year Strategy Statement 2023-2026