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Red Kite Learning Trust

Learning at Crawshaw Academy

Health & Wellbeing


Programme Leader

  • Mrs Julie Rose
    Teacher of Health and Social Care and Food and Nutrition

Subject Teachers

  • Mr  Tony Nicholson
    Teacher of Food and Nutrition
  • Mrs Lorraine Fearnley

Food & Nutrition

“Simple cooking is a fundamental skill that every person should master – it is at the heart of tackling obesity and will enable future generations to understand food, diet and nutrition, and put together healthy meals for their entire lives." 

Students will need to provide their own ingredients for Food and Nutrition lessons and the scheme of learning  has been designed to minimise the cost of this. There will be recipe options for students and families who have particular dietary requirements. An apron is also required for practical work.


Offering Food and Nutrition lessons throughout years 7 and 8 ensures that all our students receive a solid foundation in nutrition, hygiene and food preparation skills to enable them to make healthy, informed  food choices.

Schemes of learning have been carefully designed to enable students to develop in to healthy, food conscious young adults who are able to make good decisions about the food and drinks they consume.

Y7 FOOD AND NUTRITION Learning journey 2023-24

Y8 FOOD AND NUTRITION Learning journey 2023 24


Hospitality & Catering


subject  supports students who  want to learn about this vocational sector and the potential it can offer them for their careers or further study in the Food or Hospitality and Catering industries.

It provides a foundation for further study, giving students  a core depth of knowledge and a range of specialist and general skills that will support their progression to further learning and employment.

In year 9, students are able to focus on the use of food commodities and nutrition, whilst developing their practical and presentation skills. As they progress into year 10, learning focuses on the hospitality and catering industry, including hygiene, food providers, sustainability and job roles, whilst continuing to develop practically.  An external exam in year 11 will test their understanding of the industry. In year 11, students will also focus on a brief to design two courses suitable to the requirements laid out in the brief. This will culminate in a three hour practical exam, where students will prepare, cook and present their dishes, utilising the  skills they have developed over the course.

Y9 HOSPITALITY AND CATERING Learning journey 2023-24

WJEC Award in Hospitality and Catering

Health & Social Care

KS4 Cambridge National in Health and Social Care (level 2 qualification)

The Cambridge National is a level 2 qualification, graded at level 1/2 pass, merit & distinction and is equivalent to 1 GCSE. It has 3 core units. Units RO33 and RO35 are internally assessed through pieces of controlled assessment (coursework), whilst unit RO32 is externally assessed by an exam at the end of year 11.

For RO32 Principles of care in health and social care, students learn about different care settings, person centred values, communication and safeguarding.  This unit is studied across both years 10 and 11, to embed ideas and principles.

For RO33: Supporting individuals through life events, students will learn how individuals develop and the different factors which affect development throughout life, selecting a specific life event and the impact it has on individual development, researching support required throughout the event. For this, they need a real life case study on which to base their work and will utilise research and interview skills in its execution.  They then progress on to RO35: Health promotion campaigns, students will learn about health promotion and will plan and present a health promotion campaign to their peer group.

Controlled assessment work may be generated through a range of diverse activities, including assignment and project work, case studies, role play and presentations.

Assignment briefs are set by the exam board and are annual, therefore the brief set in year 10 has to be undertaken and submitted in May of year 10.

Cambridge Nationals - Health and Social Care Level 1/Level 2 – J835 - OCR


Physical Education (PE)

Crawshaw Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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