- Learning at Crawshaw
- Year 11 Revision
- The Crawshaw Curriculum
- Personal Development
- Subjects
- Homework/Independent learning
- Remote learning
- Exams Information
- Learning Resource Centre
- Post 16 Provision
- Future Ready/CEIAG
Quality of Learning
Quality of Learning Descriptors (previously EiL)
We believe a student’s attitude to learning is the biggest determining factor in the quality of work they produce and the progress they will make.
All students, no matter what their ability or level of attainment, can demonstrate learning behaviours which will maximise their chances of success. We place a great deal of emphasis on the quality of student learning both in lessons and at home when they need to work independently.
Over recent years we have been gathering data on attitudes to learning and comparing it to GCSE progress scores. We have found there is a very strong correlation between consistently high attitude to learning scores and examination outcomes.
True to our ‘Strive’ philosophy, we have raised our expectations of students to focus more explicitly on the actual quality of work produced. We report on overall quality of learning in lessons and independent learning (home learning), using the 5-point scale* below, three times a year.
These descriptors are used by each teacher to assess and monitor the quality of student learning and work produced. The ‘behaviours’ listed under “Excellent” and “Good” are ambitious but achievable by most students, if they are willing to put in the required effort. When students make positive choices, and show consistently good attitudes to learning, they are giving themselves the best possible chance of making excellent progress.
- Learning at Crawshaw
- Year 11 Revision
- The Crawshaw Curriculum
- Personal Development
- Subjects
- Homework/Independent learning
- Remote learning
- Exams Information
- Learning Resource Centre
- Post 16 Provision
- Future Ready/CEIAG