- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- Year 6 Transition
- Attendance
- Working Together for Good Behaviour
- Our School Day
- Term Dates
- Year 7 Residential Programme
- Year 9 Residential Programme
- Independent Learning
- Safeguarding
- Exams Information
- Careers and Progression
- Personal Development
- Kitchen@Crawshaw
- Uniform and Equipment
- Open Evening 2024
- Remote Learning
- Useful Links for Parents/Carers
- ParentView
- Payments
- Parent Communications
- Supporters of Crawshaw Academy (S.O.C.A)
Supporters of Crawshaw Academy (S.O.C.A)
ABOUT US …… We are the academy’s Parent Teacher Association formed in April 2016. Our main objective is to raise funds to pay for the ‘extras’ that core funding does not cover…..HOWEVER, we want SOCA to represent more than that. A school is at the heart of any community so we want to help promote Crawshaw Academy within the local area and to demonstrate the considerable talents of our young people.
We can all feel a bit removed from our children’s lives at high school so SOCA aim to bridge the gap between home and school. We have formed some mutually beneficial relationships with academy staff through the committee meetings and by assisting with school events and we will continue to build on this rapport.
We openly welcome volunteers, social members and new committee members to become involved on any level – PLEASE DO NOT FEEL YOU WILL BE ‘SIGNING YOUR SOUL AWAY’ IF YOU JOIN US! Please be part of the wider Crawshaw community – all ideas/help/enthusiasm and humour will be gratefully accepted.
SOCA have a number of fundraising initiatives in place –this will help provide the ‘extras’ that will make our young people’s time at school more enjoyable and memorable.
We hope to raise funds that can support and enrich the education of our children - we aim to provide extra resources for the children, improve the school environment as well as run extracurricular activities such as music, art and sport.
Your support is greatly appreciated and we wish you good luck!
Easyfundraising – this has been a huge success and so far we have raised over £3000 with 140 supporters – just think of the potential amount we could raise if everybody took this up. IT ONLY TAKES A FEW EXTRA CLICKS WHEN SHOPPING ONLINE AND IT WILL NOT COST YOU ANYTHING…..Please visit the website below and sign up today.
Shop online and the retailer makes a donation to SOCA. It does not cost you anything above the normal purchase price. Try it!! Retailers include: Argos, eBay, Asda, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, John Lewis, National Express, Booking.com, Thomas Cook. . . . . over 3000 retailers are waiting to make a donation.
- We provide refreshments at school events such as the awards evening, parent evenings and the annual highly acclaimed art and design exhibition.
- We have a SOCA Grants Sub-Committee to apply for extra funding that is up for grabs. SOCA, as a registered charity, can apply for these grants on behalf of school. Our previous successful applications have paid for Christmas lights and a History re-enactment day and we have recently applied for funds to enhance the school library and pay towards some after school club activities. Are you good at research and form filling? Do you have a bit of spare time to help? Any offers will be greatly appreciated.
We are a member of Parentkind and as such receive their support and guidance. This membership also provides insurance cover and fund raising ideas.
If you would like any further information please contact the
SOCA team: soca@ca.rklt.co.uk
Meeting Notes
Please click box to view previous years
- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- Year 6 Transition
- Attendance
- Working Together for Good Behaviour
- Our School Day
- Term Dates
- Year 7 Residential Programme
- Year 9 Residential Programme
- Independent Learning
- Safeguarding
- Exams Information
- Careers and Progression
- Personal Development
- Kitchen@Crawshaw
- Uniform and Equipment
- Open Evening 2024
- Remote Learning
- Useful Links for Parents/Carers
- ParentView
- Payments
- Parent Communications
- Supporters of Crawshaw Academy (S.O.C.A)