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Learning at Crawshaw Academy


Crawshaw - Art - 2023Mathematics Department Vision:

Mathematics provides students with powerful ways to describe, analyse, change and improve the world. The mathematics department at Crawshaw Academy aims to spark a passion in mathematics for all students, no matter what their starting point is, through the beauty of discovering patterns, making connections and looking for the ‘why’ behind mathematical formulae.

We want our students to:


  • Strive to improve and progress each lesson, allowing themselves to achieve their personal best in mathematics.
  • Develop the skills to understand science, technology and engineering as well as everyday tasks essential for keeping safe and healthy and maintaining their own economic well-being.


  • Tackle rich and diverse problems fluently and make reasoned decisions based on their deep understanding.
  • Share our passion for mathematics and have the belief that by working hard at mathematics they can succeed and that making mistakes is to be seen not as a failure but as a valuable opportunity for new learning.
  • Apply reason to all that they do, determined to achieve their goals.


  • Strive to develop a curiosity for mathematics through our passion for the subject by having access to mathematics that is both challenging and relevant to everyday life, with an emphasis on problem solving.
  • Become fully participating citizens in an ever-changing society who are able to think mathematically, reason and solve problems, and assess risks in a range of contexts.
  • Access high quality teaching and learning, so they are encouraged to develop into thinking individuals who are mathematically literate and can achieve their potential.
  • Have the desire and enthusiasm to aim higher, with motivation to succeed in our plans for the future. 

Faculty Leader

  • Mr A Searle


Subject Teachers

  • Mrs Z Butterfield - Programme Leader (Teaching & Learning)
  • Mr S Corrigan – Assistant Programme Leader
  • Miss K Royle
  • Mrs J Morris
  • Mr R Kilgallon
  • Mr K Clement​
  • Mrs Watts – mathematics HLTA

Curriculum overview including links to exam board specifications

Key Stage 3

Schemes of learning have units of work for Number, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Geometry and Measures, Probability and Statistics for each term. Each unit in years 7, 8 & 9 contains work to cater for the full range of ability.

There is a real focus on developing understanding and the students will be expected to work in a variety of ways- all designed to improve their understanding of the work.

Times tables, estimation of quantities/times/distances etc, are fundamental and we encourage parents to practice these regularly at home with their children.

In year 7 students are placed into sets based on their KS2 scores and a baseline assessment.

Mathematics Curriculum Map Year 7

Mathematics Curriculum Map Year 8

Mathematics Curriculum Map Year 9

Key Stage 4

The teaching syllabus at Key Stage 4 is designed to encourage students to develop confidence in, and a positive attitude towards, mathematics and to recognise the importance of mathematics in their own lives and to society. This work prepares students to make informed decisions about the use of technology, the management of money, further learning opportunities and career choices.

The aims and objectives of the GCSE Mathematics course are to enable students to:

  • develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts
  • acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems
  • reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions
  • comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms appropriate to the information and context.

All the subject content falls within six main areas; Number, Algebra, Ratio and Proportion, Geometry and Measures, Statistics and Probability.

For the majority of students the Key Stage 4 assessment is three terminal papers taken in the summer of year 11. Paper 1 is a non-calculator paper. A calculator will be needed for the other two exams. Students will be entered for either the Higher tier (grades available 9-4) or the Foundation tier (grades available 5-1).  Regular revision classes are held each year prior to the GCSE exam.  We enter those students who are struggling with the demands of the GCSE syllabus for the Entry Level Mathematics Certificate. 

The GCSE examinations include the following aspects:

  • Applying the functional elements of mathematics in everyday and real-life.
  • Using problem-solving strategies.
  • Selecting and applying mathematical techniques and methods.
  • Reasoning mathematically, making deductions and inferences and drawing conclusions.
  • Interpreting and communicating mathematical information in a variety of forms.

We follow the Edexcel Mathematics GCSE. The link below takes you to the specification for the course:

We use SPARX Maths as part of home works and consolidation - students have used this site since Y7. It has a large revision section for GCSE with worked examples and practice questions to complete. 

We have broken down the syllabus into Y10 and Y11 work. You can use the following links to see when we are teaching different topics:

Mathematics Curriculum Map Year 10

Mathematics Curriculum Map Year 11


Curriculum Wall July 2023

Crawshaw Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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