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Red Kite Learning Trust

Learning at Crawshaw Academy

FBV in Curriculum for Life


CfL lessons often include discussions on the importance of student representation. Students may learn about the role of school councils, participate in elections, and discuss how their voices can be heard in decision-making processes at school. Students explore how democracy functions in the UK, including how elections work, the role of political parties, and the importance of voting. This prepares students for active participation in society and encourages civic engagement. In CfL lessons, students engage in debates on topical issues such as climate change, social justice, or human rights. They are encouraged to listen to others, express their opinions, and engage in democratic dialogue, learning to value different perspectives and reach a consensus.



Students learn about the legal system in the UK, exploring why laws exist, how they are made, and the consequences of breaking them. This helps students understand that laws are in place to protect individuals and the community. CfL might include visits from law enforcement or discussions on the role of the police, courts, and the criminal justice system, giving students a clear understanding of how laws are enforced and the importance of respecting them. CfL often reinforces the importance of following school rules and understanding how these rules reflect the broader legal and moral expectations of society. Discussions may focus on how rules ensure fairness, safety, and respect for others.


Students learn about building healthy relationships with friends, family, and peers, understanding the importance of empathy, communication, and treating others with dignity. This includes discussions on consent, bullying, and respecting boundaries. CfL often covers conflict resolution strategies, teaching students how to manage disagreements respectfully, listen to others’ points of view, and resolve issues in a peaceful and constructive way. Students are taught to respect those in positions of authority, such as teachers, police officers, and public officials, understanding their roles in maintaining the well-being and safety of the community.



Lessons cover topics like personal safety, healthy living, and relationships, teaching students to make informed choices about their own lives while understanding the impact their choices can have on others. Students learn about human rights, particularly in the context of the European Convention on Human Rights and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This empowers them to understand their own freedoms, such as freedom of speech, but also the responsibilities that come with these rights. In CfL, students explore how to stay safe online while exercising their individual liberty. They learn about their rights to freedom of expression and privacy, but also how to navigate the risks associated with online activities, such as cyberbullying or data protection.



CfLlessons often focus on understanding the beliefs and practices of different religions and cultures, helping students appreciate diversity and the contributions of various faith groups to society. This may include exploring how different religious communities celebrate festivals, worship, and live according to their values. Students are taught about the dangers of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, or background. CfL lessons encourage critical thinking

Crawshaw Academy is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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