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SMSC in Mathematics
Spiritual education at Crawshaw involves the awe and wonder of mathematics that is shown to students. Mathematics can be used to explain the world and the mathematical patterns that occur in nature, such as the symmetry of snowflake patterns or the stripes of a tiger. There is a sense of wonder in the exactness of mathematics as well as a sense of personal achievement in solving problems. Further mathematics can also be used to consider the idea of infinity. Students are involved in a range of problem solving activities.
Moral education at Crawshaw concerns the use and interpretation of data that is becoming more prevalent in society. Students are given the opportunity to be aware of the use and misuse of data in all issues including those supporting moral argument. Topics covered include probability with discussion on the issue of gambling.
Social education at Crawshaw in Maths concerns students being given the opportunity to work together. Experimental and investigative work provides an ideal opportunity for students to work collaboratively. Mathematics also allows students to apply their own intuitive feelings and check these against what they have learnt in order to make more sense of the world.
Cultural education at Crawshaw concerns the wealth of mathematics in all cultures and the opportunities students are given to explore aspects of personal culture and identity through mathematics. Recognition is given to symmetry patterns, number systems and mathematical thinking from other cultures.
Examples of Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Education in Maths include:
Students conducting an opinion survey on a moral issue
Students considering the development of pattern in different cultures including tessellations
Allowing discussion and debate on the use and abuse of statistics in the media
Allowing discussion on the cultural and historical roots of mathematics
Students learning how mathematics is used to communicate climate change
- Learning at Crawshaw
- Year 11 Revision
- The Crawshaw Curriculum
- Personal Development
- Subjects
- Homework/Independent learning
- Remote learning
- Exams Information
- Learning Resource Centre
- Post 16 Provision
- Future Ready/CEIAG