- Learning at Crawshaw
- The Crawshaw Curriculum
- Personal Development
- Subjects
- Homework/Independent learning
- Remote learning
- Exams Information
- Learning Resource Centre
- Post 16 Provision
- Future Ready/CEIAG
Enrichment and Engagement
As a school, we recognise the importance of additional activities to the development of our young people.
The social, health and emotional benefits of extra-curricular activities are beyond doubt and we run a wide range of clubs, teams and groups with the aim of offering as broad an educational experience as possible to all our students. From modelling and strategy games to sport, cooking and art, there is something here for everyone.
We have produced a booklet which lists the activities and trips that we run throughout the year. This is not exhaustive and does not list the many competitive sports teams who play regular fixtures at local, regional and occasionally national level. We also welcome suggestions of new activities.
- Learning at Crawshaw
- The Crawshaw Curriculum
- Personal Development
- Subjects
- Homework/Independent learning
- Remote learning
- Exams Information
- Learning Resource Centre
- Post 16 Provision
- Future Ready/CEIAG