- Learning at Crawshaw
- Year 11 Revision
- The Crawshaw Curriculum
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- Post 16 Provision
- Future Ready/CEIAG
Art, Design and Technology
Programme Leader Design and Art
Mrs Jane Haxby
- Mr Paul Faulharber - Design and Art
- Ms Grace Craig – Art and Photography
- Ms Emma Summerfield - Design and Art
- Mrs Abbey Black - Design, Art and Photography
- Ms Katie Garner - Art and Display Technician
- Mr Jimmy Griffin – Senior Design and Technology Technician
Within our established Art, Design and Technology Faculty we provide a broad and detailed curriculum that spans many specialist disciplines. Art, Design and Technology fuels many vocations and contributes to over 20 billion pounds to our economy.
The Design Faculty at Crawshaw Academy is continually developing a curriculum which reflects this and establishes students with a foundation for the working world. Staff work closely to teach across disciplines and provide students with the opportunity to achieve in and out of the school’s normal working hours.
Outside normal school hours faculty staff give generously of their time and arrange extra-curricular activities and experiences that extend and enrich the core curriculum we provide. Every year the faculty organises trips to major galleries and places of interest to help develop our students’ appreciation of Art, Design and the Technology held within this area.
We take part in various creative initiatives, including working with various schools, Leeds Creative Skills, and Leeds University. We normally have an annual whole school Art, Design & Technology exhibition that showcases all student’s achievements at KS4.
We promote the school’s ethos of striving for success throughout everything that we do and we pride ourselves on the exceptional standard achieved from Crawshaw students within the Faculty.
The Faculty continues to enjoy increasing popularity and numbers opting for the subject at Key Stage 4 are healthy. We encourage each student to develop a range of practical skills, an inquiring mind and a consideration for our own and other cultures.
Many of our students go on to study creative subjects at College and University and we have a growing alumni of students that have now forged very successful careers within the creative industries.
If you would like to find out more about possible career paths within the creative industries please take a look at this website. www.thecreativeindustries.co.uk
At Crawshaw Academy, we believe that the learning of Design and Art provides valuable educational, as well as social and cultural, experiences for children of all ages. Pupils develop life skills and have the chance to extend their knowledge of a practitioner’s works.
- Learn to create their own visual world in a skilful way through use of the formal elements of Art – line, tone, shape, colour, pattern, form, composition, perspective. Learn to design creative and innovative outcomes in; textiles, 3D Design, photography, fine art, product design and graphics.
- Develop imagination, originality, curiosity, and playfulness in creating their own unique visual world
- Communication of their own viewpoints, ideas, and concepts through visual means
- Discern and critically engage with others’ Design and Art, including from their peers, from other times and cultures, and from designers/artists in contemporary western society
- Enjoy and be passionate about an aspect of Design and Art either through critical engagement and appreciation or through creating and making.
- Learning at Crawshaw
- Year 11 Revision
- The Crawshaw Curriculum
- Personal Development
- Subjects
- Homework/Independent learning
- Remote learning
- Exams Information
- Learning Resource Centre
- Post 16 Provision
- Future Ready/CEIAG